[CQ-Contest] Post contest logging app

kr2q at optimum.net kr2q at optimum.net
Mon Nov 29 12:24:41 PST 2010

Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ asks about post contest logging apps....
This may be of interest to others, hence I'm posting here instead
of only a direct reply.

The "original" contest logging program (CT) is free.  
See http://k1ea.com/

N1MM is also free and I would assume it has a post contest logging 
option also (I haven't used it).  See N1MM.com

Finally, there is a link provided on the CQWW.com LOG tab 
which gives you an on-line option of manually entering your QSO's 
and having them come out in cab format

I'm sure there are more.  You have a wealth of options.

I know you are not alone.  I continue to see obvious "typos" which are 
due to post contest logging efforts.  U and V (on SSB logs), S used for 
number 5 and vice versa (obviously not entered by a ham), interchange of
zero and the letter "O" and even 2 swapped for Z (again, not a ham doing
the typing).  The worst thing about handwriting a log (originally) is that
you can't always figure out what you wrote...unless, of course, you are
K1ZZ in which case your hand printed logs look better than book copy.

Good luck!

de Doug KR2Q

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