[CQ-Contest] Frustration this weekend.....

David Levine david at levinecentral.com
Mon Nov 29 16:20:09 PST 2010


I operated assisted and not sending the call was still frustrating. I don't
use the cluster as the authoritative source of the station's call so I wait
to hear the call sign. There were many incorrectly spotted stations and if
folks went off that and didn't wait for the calling station to id, they
probably will get dinged for it. There were stations with mis-typed calls
and there were completely different stations on frequency then what the spot
indicated, like from station 1 moving away and station 2 moving in.

And as a follow-up reply indicated, when a station finally did send their
call sign, it was a dogpile on the rabbit with a bunch of folks doing the
right thing and waiting for an id. I often moved to a different station if
someone went 3 exchanges without sending their id and just sending TU.

The split stations were rough to deal with since they at best sent "UP" but
didn't indicate where. Some of the spots had the up less then 1Khz. I don't
think I ended up working any of the split stations though I tried a couple.
This is supposed to be fun, not frustrating.

K2DSL - David

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 12:57 PM, Shane Mattson-->K1ZR <k1zr at comcast.net>wrote:

> Is it me or is the issue with DX signing their call sign once every 1-3
> minutes (sometimes more!) getting extremely frustrating?  The worst example
> was a station in the Africa region who decided to run split on
> 15M and informed callers of their callsign and RX frequency every 1-3
> minutes causing a pileup of callers on their TX frequency and a swath of
> stations sending 'Up', 'Up', 'Up'.  Seriously, not everyone relies on packet
> spots and it would be great if the DX could sign their call every 4-5 q's.
> This is where bogus spots on the cluster cause major problems as I'm sure
> that those who simply point and shoot to a spotted mult work 'em and move on
> before actually hearing the station's call.  Help!
> -Shane K1ZR

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