je1cka at gmai.com
Mon Oct 4 18:34:31 PDT 2010
Hi Brian
I'm sorry to say...
We have big domestic contest in JA held by JARL which is called
"All City All Gun Contest". It will start at 12UTC, 9 Oct and will end
12UTC, 10 Oct. This is the mixed mode contest and including V/UHF.
So you'll hear a lots of JAs calling "CQ Test" but they may be in ACAG.
I love Ocean-CW test but will not be in this time, sorry again.
Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
JE1CKA <je1cka at gmai.com>
In message "[CQ-Contest] 2010 OCEANIA DX CW CONTEST"
on 10/10/04, "Brian Miller" <brianmiller at xtra.co.nz> writes:
: Hi everyone
: A reminder that the 2010 Oceania DX CW contest is happening next
: weekend, starting at 08:00 UTC Saturday 9 October and ending at 08:00
: UTC Sunday 10 October.
: We are pleased to announce two new plaques for the CW contest. Chris
: Chapman VK3QB is sponsoring a plaque for the top entrant from Oceania
: in the CW Single Operator All Band category and the newly formed
: Pacific DXers Group [http://pacific-dxers.com] is sponsoring a plaque
: for the top entrant from Oceania in the CW Single Operator LOW Power
: All Band category. We are most grateful to Chris and the Pacific DXers
: Group for their generous sponsorship of these new plaques.
: Here is a summary of the rules for the CW contest.
: Bands: 160M to 10M (excluding WARC bands).
: Exchange: RST + serial number.
: QSO points: 20 points per QSO on 160M; 10 points on 80M; 5 points on
: 40M; 1 point on 20M; 2 points on 15M; and 3 points on 10M.
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