[CQ-Contest] [wrtc2014] [wrtc2010] WRTC 2014 Team Selection Criteria Released

Jeffrey Clarke ku8e at bellsouth.net
Mon Oct 11 19:32:13 PDT 2010


   Dan, K1TO, was up here in Columbus ,GA  a few times this summer doing
some antenna work at K4BAI's house. We had several opportunities over
lunch/dinner to discuss the WRTC selection criteria. Dan asked for our
opinions / feedback on what we liked and disliked about the past WRTC's that
we have competed in.   I personally appreciate that he took the time to do
this. I know a lot of thought when into the selection criteria because some
of things we had suggested has been incorporated in what was released.  I'm
pretty happy about this.


 My suggestion to someone who wants to compete for a spot is to just change
your operating habits to fit the rules. If you are the "Big Gun" in your
call area you have the best chance that you would ever have in winning one
of the spots. Great job by Dan and the committee. I plan on going even if
I'm not a competitor because WRTC is like a weeklong Dayton contest suite
with a big international flavor.



73, Jeff KU8E

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