[CQ-Contest] Sub Popgun had some fun

Charlie Gallo Charlie at TheGallos.com
Sun Oct 17 13:02:42 PDT 2010

Yesterday, I played in the NYQP again - I don't contest much, simply because my station is so limited (I did enjoy the few times I've gotten to go to other stations)

This year, I almost doubled my score from last year!  The big change?  After years of saying "I really should get the DVK working in N1MM" I DID - Boy, in a small contest like NYQP, I knew I could run (I did some last year - manually), but having the DVK do it made life a LOT more pleasurable

My big question - how the heck do you guys really BIC?  I have a top end chair (custom BodyBilt) and the like, but I find after 3-4 hours, I MUST get up, stretch etc, as I get extremely stiff (health issues also come into play) .  I don't have to get up for LONG, and if the rate is low, I can usually stay within headphone range - aka JUST in front of the desk, and I usually use that time to make any necessary 'personal' breaks (the door to the 'small room' is a whopping 5 ft from the station)

73 de KG2V - Charles Gallo
Quality Custom Machine-shop work for the radio amateur (sm)

My Website: http://www.thegallos.com

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