[CQ-Contest] Blind Mode for N1MM Bandmap

k4zw at comcast.net k4zw at comcast.net
Fri Oct 22 06:05:45 PDT 2010

>It is disappointing that we keep having these conversations about how to subvert the rules. 
Sure is! 

>Pan adapters, waterfalls, or asterisks, they are all uses of technology to 
>see what is going on around the band.  Part of the fun of contesting is 
>making the decisions around when to stay and when to go.  At least that's 
>part that has made the game continuously entertaining and fascinating to me. 

Me too.  It's not that I'm anti "technology", but it seems to me people are missing a part of what makes contesting, or DXing for that matter, enjoyable when they rely on tools such at these to make QSO's.  I've always found it far more satisfying to uncover a multiplier, additional QSO's, or work a new one on Topband when it's not aided by something that replaces operator skill.  

Ken K4ZW 

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