[CQ-Contest] QSL Printing to cards

AA6DX - Mark aa6dx at arrl.net
Mon Oct 25 13:40:53 PDT 2010

Try here. Worky worky   Mark  AA6DX
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim McCook" <w6ya at cox.net>
To: "Contest Reflector" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 8:03 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] QSL Printing to cards

> For years I have used DF3CB's BV7 program for printing directly to 
> QSLs.  Unfortunately his software is now broken, ever since he changed 
> it to correct for a 2010 date error.  Apparently his support for the 
> program is gone.  I tried all the workarounds people suggested, but 
> nothing works.  It's a mess.
> I'm looking for a program for printing directly to QSLs, similar to BV7 
> (not a logging program with that as a utility!)
> There must be something out there!  Any suggestions?
> Jim
> W6YA
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