[CQ-Contest] [RTTY] NA Sprint RTTY Log Check Report Analysis

Iain MacDonnell - N6ML ar at dseven.org
Thu Oct 28 21:02:03 PDT 2010

Interesting .. I also got busted on T0M/TOM:

QSO #96 K0YR : T0M Mn should be TOM Mn

I thought I must have manually typed it (as opposed to clicking on
it), and goofed, but apparently he really was sending sending "T0M"
(with a zero).

    ~Iain / N6ML

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 2:14 AM, David Levine <david at levinecentral.com> wrote:
> I received (within minutes of requesting it!) my NA Sprint RTTY Log Check
> Report for the contest earlier this month. Without going into all the
> detail, I compared what I logged that was not accepted to what I received
> during the contest and it matches. I really, really hope the folks that are
> mentioned don't get upset and I understand it's all part of contesting. In a
> RTTY contest, you have what is printed and you have to go with it. I thought
> some folks might be interested in reviewing what I found.
> http://www.k2dsl.com or direct at
> http://www.k2dsl.com/2010/10/28/log-check-report-lcr-but-thats-what-they-sent/
> 73 and see you this weekend!
> K2DSL - David
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