[CQ-Contest] 2010 CoQP - All 3830 Claimed Scores 06Sep2010

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Mon Sep 6 07:54:40 PDT 2010

2010 CoQP - All 3830 Claimed Scores 06Sep2010

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Oct 4, 2010
E-mail logs to: coqplogs at ppraa.org
Mail logs to:
Colorado QSO Party
PO Box 16521
Colorado Springs, CO 80935-6521
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/

73 dink

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State M/SMixed HP
N0KE               335   447    28    72    87    23  15.5    225,862 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SO MobileCW LP
KO7X/WEL            49     0     0    25     0     0     2      4,900 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOCW HP
W0DLE              253     0     0    62     0     0     8     66,276 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOCW LP
K0EU               337     0     0    71     0     0     8    100,252 Grand Mesa
AC0DS              324     0     0    73     0     0    12     97,528 Grand Mesa
K0FX               305     0     0    65     0     0   6.5     79,300 Grand Mesa
W0RAA              264     0    17    63     0    14  8:19     71,064 Grand Mesa
K0AV               162     0     0    56     0     0   3.5     36,736 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOMixed LP
WA7LNW              62    40     0    28    25     0   6.5     26,235 Arizona Outlaws Cont
K0UK               212   301     0    67    65     0   9hr        132 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOPh HP
K0CL(@K0DU)          0  1520     0     0   101     0    16    162,384 Grand Mesa
W0RIC                0   327     0     0    70     0           22,890 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOPh LP
K9MWM                0   383     0     0    60     0           39,284 
W0PRS                0   177     0     0    49     0           17,346 Grand Mesa
W0RO                 0   146     0     0    51     0           15,096 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SO MobileCW LP
N2CU/M              11     0     0    11     0     0   0.5        484 Western NY DX Associ

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOCW HP
F5IN                33     0     0    17     0     0            2,244 

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOCW LP
N6MU               115     0     0    43     0     0           19,780 SCCC
K5LH                86     0     0    34     0     0   ~ 9     11,696 HOTDXS
N3ZZ                60     0     0    31     0     0     3      7,440 NCCC
KK7S                62     0     0    23     0     0            5,704 
W4UCZ               40     0     0    21     0     0            3,360 SECC
WB2ABD              17     0     0     9     0     0   1.5        612 Western NY DX Associ

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOCW QRP
W9CF                 2     0     0     2     0     0               24 Arizona Outlaws Cont

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOMixed HP
KO7X                62    24     0    26    13     0            5,772 Grand Mesa
K6III                7    11     0     7     8     0              235 NCCC

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOMixed LP
N2CU                81    39     1    35    20     1     8     22,736 Western NY DX Associ
AA8IA               72    26    98    32    16     0   8.2     16,320 MRRC
W0BH                59    82     0    26    30     0   5.8     11,056 
KS5A                50    14     0    20    12     0     4      7,296 Arizona Outlaws Cont
KE7DX               40    15     0    19    11     0     4      5,700 Arizona Outlaws Cont
N2WN                22     9     0    15     8     0            2,438 TCG
K6CSL               15     9     0    11     7     0   6.0      1,404 NCCC
AC0E                14     6     0    10     5     0  1.75        510 Kansas City DX Club

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOMixed QRP
VA3RKM               7     2     0     5     2     0              336 CCO

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOPh QRP
ND0C                 0    39     0     0    39     0     6      2,106 MWA
KS4X                 0    23     0     0    17     0            1,173 TCG

N0KE         N0KE,N6HUQ

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