[CQ-Contest] Next steps toward WRTC 2014

tine.brajnik at guest.arnes.si tine.brajnik at guest.arnes.si
Thu Sep 9 06:25:14 PDT 2010

September 9, 2010

After studying and discussing two thorough proposals to host WRTC 
2014 by a team from New England, USA and a team from Bulgaria, the 
WRTC Sanctioning Committee (WRTC SC) has granted the organization of 
WRTC 2014 to New England, USA.  All members of the WRTC SC were 
convinced that either group would provide competent and trustworthy 
sponsorship. Making the decision to award the organization of WRTC 
2014 was very difficult. We also thank both teams for their interest 
and for sharing their vision for WRTC - it is a pity that only one 
could be selected.

The Committee will work closely with the New England group to help 
find solutions for questions and problems as they arise.  Further, 
the Committee encourages the Bulgarian team to pursue its interest in 
future WRTC events and support WRTC 2014 with suggestions and ideas 
from the European perspective.

We encourage all radiosport participants around the world to extend 
their congratulations and support to the organizers of WRTC 2014 - 
we'll see you there!


Tine Brajnik, S50A
WRTC SC Chairman

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