[CQ-Contest] 40m BPF Free to Repairing Home

Ken Widelitz widelitz at gte.net
Thu Sep 9 21:20:25 PDT 2010

I have a 40 meter Russian made  bandpass filter (BPF-7 Luxury, Continuous
Power 200 W, Peak Power 400 W) that was used in WRTC, but is bad - 2:1+ SWR
across the band. It was probably bad at WRTC, but using the K3 ATU into a
dipole, I never noticed. I realized there was a problem when I was adapting
the set of BPFs into my home SO2R station.


I do not have the knowledge, equipment or inclination to fix it. Andrey,
RA6LBS, has provided a replacement and doesn't want the bad one back. I
opened it up and there is nothing obviously wrong with the unit, so if you
have the knowledge, equipment and inclination to troubleshoot and repair
this filter, it is yours for the cost of shipping.


73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT



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