[CQ-Contest] Now Official: The Netherlands Antilles Will Be Dissolved on ...

Georgek5kg at aol.com Georgek5kg at aol.com
Fri Sep 10 07:15:43 PDT 2010

Am I to infer from your email that Bonaire will become a new DXCC  Entity?  
I have searched through the two references that you have given,  but do not 
find any reference to that.
What am I missing?
73, George
George  Wagner, K5KG
Sarasota, FL 
941-400-1960 cell  

In a message dated 9/10/2010 6:36:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
ku8e at bellsouth.net writes:

Here is the annoucement everyone has been waiting to  hear  ->
eforming-their-status_95259.html  .

Also see K8ND's webpage  at
ss_Media_Notes.pdf  for the latest updates.

CU in CQWW DX CW as PJ4A from the new  country of Bonaire. It's going to be
fun.  J

Jeff   KU8E

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