[CQ-Contest] Now Official: The Netherlands Antilles Will Be Dissolved on ...

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Fri Sep 10 08:13:27 PDT 2010

In a message dated 9/10/2010 11:02:14 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
lists at subich.com writes:

It is a  shame that the multiplier status of PJ2/4 and PJ5/6/7 are
likely to be in a  state of flux throughout the entire fall and
winter contest season.   It is also a shame that there are groups
spending big bucks to activate  countries on "independence day"
when those contact may not count for  anything other than PJ2/4
or PJ5/6/7 if ARRL follow their published  rules.
To invoke another basic principal, WFWL. Work 'em first, worry  later.
As one who has had two trips to PJ2T (though no more likely soon), I can  
assure you that the people who go to any of these places will have a good 
time  even if their official DXCC new country status does not happen until  
later.  This is not central Africa or Heard Island.
73   -   Jim  K8MR

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