[CQ-Contest] A Look At The CQ WW RTTY Contest Webinar

k4zw at comcast.net k4zw at comcast.net
Sun Sep 12 06:07:33 PDT 2010

Date:  Sunday, September 19 
Time:  19:00 UTC (3 PM EDT) 
Registration (free):  https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/460874371
or www.pvrc.org under Upcoming Webinars link 

The  24th CQ WW RTTY Contest opens the 2010 CQ WW season on 25-26 September.  This contest along with the CQ WPX Contest held the second weekend of February are the two largest RTTY contests each year.  The webinar on 19 September, hosted by the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC), will cover: 
* History of CQ WW RTTY 
* Distinctive rules from the CW/SSB CQ WW events 
* Score Database 
* Plaques and Certificates 
* Logging considerations 
* Log Check Reports* Stories and Pictures 

Join us from the comfort of your home PC!  All you need is speakers attached in order to listen to the audio.  Please pass the word.  

Ken K4ZW

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