[CQ-Contest] Washington State QSO Party, aka Salmon Run, 9/18-19

Brian Moran brianmo at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 12 22:32:46 PDT 2010

The Salmon Run, aka Washington State QSO Party, is this weekend 9/18 - 9/19. 
More information can be found at 
http://www.wwdxc.org/salmon-run/2010-salmon-run/2010-salmon-run.html .

Spanning 160m to 6m, there's something in this 'contest' for everyone;  if 
you're fortunate enough to win your category, a smoked salmon prize  may be 
yours -- just the thing to go with your bottle of wine from winning a category 
from the CAQP?  Many of the rarer counties will be activated, by residents and 
rovers. Pay particular attention to the special modes and 160m frequency times; 
Washington stations will be listening for you. 

See you in the Salmon Run!

Brian N9ADG/7 (AND one of the ops of W7PRC (San Juan County)  in the 2010 Salmon 

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