[CQ-Contest] NS Ladder, NSL-9 - Wk 9/ of 10 Thursday.

Bill Haddon haddon.bill at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 15:50:32 PDT 2010

For those who just can't get enough of sprinting . . another chance

Thursday night, 0230-0300Z Week 9 out of 10 of the 100-watt NCCC Sprint
Ladder (NSL-9)  on 20, 40, 80 and 160m cw;  preceded by W9RE's Slow NS (SNS)
at 0200 on 20-80m, 18-26 wpm for learning  the sprint format and/or
increasing code speed.

Rule differences, NS Ladder vs the NCJ Sprint:
   -- Add 160 meters for NSL
   -- Band mults as in NCJ NAQP, minor  mult differences.
   -- QSY rule always 1 KHz.
   -- Report scores via  Bruce, WA7BNM's 3830 site www.hornucopia,com
   -- Scores grouped by division

Frequencies around 40 up on 20-80, 1815, +/-, on 160.

Software:   see http://www.ncccsprint.com/software.html

Reminder: NCCC 40th Anniversary Bash:
0000 UTC September 18 until 2359 UTC October 1, 2010 (day before CQP)  see

73  Bill N6ZFO

Contest Director, NCCC Sprint Ladder
NSL Advisory Group: N6ZFO, K6UFO, W9RE, N3BB, K4BAI, W4NZ, W0BH, N4AF
NS Contest Director.  Ken, N6RO (non-ladder Thursdays)
NSL Wine Awards: W0YK, munsvineyard.com

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