[CQ-Contest] The Meaning of Assisted

richnn3w at verizon.net richnn3w at verizon.net
Fri Sep 17 11:56:42 PDT 2010

What a load of crapola.  Contest log submissions are on the rise each and every year - with the skimmer stipulation in place.  I regularly place in the top 10 and I was not advised or asked for input about the Skimmer provision.  That being said, i fully agree with the provision.

73 Rich NN3W

On Sep 17, 2010, Joe Subich, W4TV <lists at subich.com> wrote: 


> It is worth repeating, because it is true: "There is
> general agreement that the use of skimmer puts us in
> the Unlimited (Assisted) category."

Regardless of what you say, it is *not true* that there is
*general agreement*. ARRL and the CQWW Contest Committee
may have codified *their view* into the rules for their
contests. That's fine as it protects the interests of the
entrenched group of elite/master operators who regularly
appear in the top 10 boxes and at the top of their respective
section/state/country listings. Those who disagree with the
dictates of the sponsors - and new hams who do not have an 
anti-technology bias or a misunderstanding of history - will
vote with their logs and not enter the contests that stifle
technological experimentation.

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