[CQ-Contest] ARRL EME - Oct 2/3 and not Oct 9/10

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 06:29:52 PDT 2010

The ARRL EME Contest date is incorrect in the Contest Update newsletter (and QST Contest Corral for October) - my database had bad data from not having been updated correctly for the September QST in early July.  The ARRL EME Contest is, of course, Oct 2/3 as on the ARRL Web site at  http://www.arrl.org/eme-contest.  The second October weekend date of Oct 30/31 is correctly shown in QST and the online PDF version of Contest Corral.

Please relay to any EME mailing lists and I'll have KX9X post a note in his Contest blog on the ARRL Contest Branch Web site.  An updated PDF will be on the ARRL Web site later today. Apologies for any temporary elevation in blood pressure.  

73, Ward N0AX
Editor, ARRL Contest Update

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