[CQ-Contest] CQMM: Propagation Forecast for next weekend

Luc PY8AZT py8azt at dxbrasil.net
Wed Apr 13 18:12:23 PDT 2011

Hi Folks,

I'd like to inform that I did propagation forecast tables by Continent
to South America to be used by participants of CQMM DX Contest on next

For rules, propagation tables and further info about CQMM DX Contest,
please, visit the website:

You can use N1MMLogger or SD by EI5DI on the contest, they give full
support for participation and export you log on right cabrillo format.

I hope GetScore will support the Contest, by It was not confirmed until now.

Good luck and I hope work you on the keys very soon!

73, Luc
PW7T Team member
WRTC.2010 Brazilian Team Leader
PY8AZT (also PT7AG, PX8C, ZZ8Z, ZY7C)
LABRE, ARRL, CWJF & Fortaleza DX Group Member

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