[CQ-Contest] 2011 YU DX - All 3830 Claimed Scores 18Apr2011

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Mon Apr 18 07:21:13 PDT 2011

2011 YU DX - All 3830 Claimed Scores 18Apr2011

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: May 17, 2011
E-mail logs to: yudx at yu1srs.org.rs
Mail logs to:
Savez Radio-amatera Srbije
YU DX Contest
P.O. Box 48
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All Lower Bands HP
AE2W(@K1LZ)        275    62           65,100 YCCC
YT3M(S56A)         750    77     8     57,750 
K6ND(N8BO)         134    45    16     22,230 CTRI
F5IN               120    34     2      9,180 

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All Lower Bands LP
SN5J(SP5JXK)       288    68    12     41,072 SP DX Club
YT2N               348    61    16     40,321 
LY2FN              259    59           33,040 Vytautas Magnus Univ
UA4ALI             165    41   5.5     14,268 
YU0W               500    48                1 YU CC

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All Upper Bands HP
K6ND(N8BO)         875    99    16    331,452 CTRI
AE2W(@K1LZ)        669    86          223,772 YCCC
YT3M(S56A)        1467   103     8    151,101 
F5IN               280    55     4     39,930 

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All Upper Bands LP
W4IX               331    62    15     77,958 SECC
YT2N               352    73    16     62,853 
UA4ALI             236    43   5.5     23,478 
OR2F(ON8LDS)       175    41     8     18,614 
VA1CHP              50    21     2      4,074 MCC

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All Upper Bands QRP
DL8MBS             102    28     5      7,224 

AE2W         AE2W,AE2W
F5IN         F5IN,F5IN
K6ND         N8BO,N8BO
YT3M         S56A,S56A

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