[CQ-Contest] 2011 CQMM DX - All 3830 Claimed Scores 19Apr2011

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Tue Apr 19 07:47:06 PDT 2011

2011 CQMM DX - All 3830 Claimed Scores 19Apr2011

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: May 31, 2011
E-mail logs to: cwjf at cqmmdx.com
Mail logs to:
CWJF Group
P.O. Box 410
Juiz de Fora - MG 36001-970
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call                QSO  Prfx  DXCC   hr      Score Club
All M/S HP
PX2W              2138   205    93        2,553,860 Araucaria DX
PT5T(@PP5EG)      2068   194    93    36  2,362,010 Araucaria DX

Call                QSO  Prfx  DXCC   hr      Score Club
PW7T(PY8AZT)      1759   168   105    30  1,913,457 Fortaleza DX Group
CX9AU             1010   138    76    23    870,124 CWJF
PT2ZHA(@PT2CM)    1154   119    72    20    853,961 PT2CM
AA3B               811   123    72          631,020 
K3WW               750    86    75    15    458,689 FRC
OH6M(OH6LBW)       561   108    61    16    393,263 
K1GQ               714    68    65  11.4    363,755 YCCC
PY7GK              416    94    48    17    235,152 
CE3DNP             458    69    54          207,009 
N1KWF              401    43    58     8    141,905 YCCC

VA7ST              302    58    56  12.5    139,080 
VE9HF              214    38    46   4.5     66,696 MCC
W4BQF              243    46    25   3.0     54,315 
AL9A               153    42    24  7:38     35,310 
AA8LL               63    26    24           14,500 SWODXA
NB4M                95    63    18            7,560 TCG

Call                QSO  Prfx  DXCC   hr      Score Club
PX7C(PT7CG)        558    99    61          362,880 Fortaleza Dx Group
A65CA              333    78    53          187,199 
PS6T(PY6KY)        275    93    41    30    165,356 
KP2B(WP3A)         358    60    55    12    159,620 STX CONTEST CLUB
P43E               477    25    49          124,246 
W1WBB              231    71    52          120,663 CTRI
KB3LIX             102    54    34           48,400 
UR5MM              154    38    36    24     48,396 
PU3LYB              65    10    23     1      7,491 Araucaria DX
W0RAA               52    11    17     3      3,668 Grand Mesa

N7IR                21    15     8     1      3,358 Arizona Outlaws Cont
K7ULS               29     9    11            2,142 
W4ZW                38    15    21     2      1,368 Grand Mesa
KA3DRR              14    12     6   6.0      1,242 NCCC
K6CSL               22    22    15  10.0        671 NCCC

Call                QSO  Prfx  DXCC   hr      Score Club
PYY2WC(PY2WC)     1019   125    69    26    730,604 Araucaria DX
LU7HZ              279   117    45    23    135,252 
N5AW               172    85    35     8    106,680 CTDXCC
W8QZA              142    52    36    18     54,560 SCCC
KH6LC(NH6V)         20    14    10   2.5      2,472 

Call                QSO  Prfx  DXCC   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/10 HP
PW2B(PY2HL)        455    41    63 09:21    171,080 Cantareira DX Group

Call                QSO  Prfx  DXCC   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/10 LP
PP5KR(@PP5JN)     1099    56    84    36    512,540 Araucaria DX
LU8EOT             654    51    69    20    281,640 
F6FNL               19    12     9            1,197 

Call                QSO  Prfx  DXCC   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/15 HP
PW2D(PY2ZXU)      1115    56    88    31    540,576 Araucaria DX
K9QC               473    50    74          205,468 MWA

Call                QSO  Prfx  DXCC   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/15 LP
VA1CHP             143    26    41           34,304 MCC
VO1MP              100    28    40     4     26,588 ECCCC

Call                QSO  Prfx  DXCC   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/20 LP
PR7AR              531    33    61 12:52    167,038 GUARA DX GROUP

Call                QSO  Prfx  DXCC   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/40 LP
PY3KN              214    48    33    35     91,611 Araucaria DX

Call                QSO  Prfx  DXCC   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/80 LP
VE2XAA              50     5    14     5      4,902 Contest Group du Que

PT5T         PP5BZ,PP5NZ

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