[CQ-Contest] SD QSO PARTY this weekend April 23-24
Todd Dravland-WD0T
wd0t at mncomm.com
Wed Apr 20 20:55:25 PDT 2011
There will be several SD Counties on the air this weekend, as KD0S/m , K7RE/m, and other mobile and fixed stations will be on the air for the SD QSO Party. I will be with KD0S/m all day Saturday, and then likely fixed as WD0T on Sunday morning.
Times are 1700Z Saturday April 23rd through 1700Z Sunday April 24th, 24 hours with no breaks. Please see rules below for complete information.
Logging software is best with N1MM, although this includes a Serial Number which is NOT necessary, only need signal report and state or DX for those outside of SD, and SD stations will send signal report and County.
Hope to work you on the bands, 73 Todd WD0T.
1700 UTC APRIL 23- 1700 UTC APRIL 24
OBJECT: Stations outside South Dakota work as many South Dakota stations and
counties as possible. Stations inside South Dakota work everyone.
EXCHANGE: Stations outside South Dakota send signal report and state,
province, or DXCC country. South Dakota stations send signal report and
MODE: Modes are phone, cw, and digital. (Any digital mode qualifies, ie:
RTTY, PSK31, etc.) Stations may be worked only once per mode per band.
QSO POINTS: Phone contacts are worth 2 point, CW and digital contacts are
worth 4 points.
MULTIPLIERS: Stations outside South Dakota multiply QSO points by total SD
counties worked. Stations inside South Dakota multiply QSO points by SD
counties+US States+ Provinces+DXCC entities.
CLASSES: Fixed station, and Rover.
MAXIMUM POWER: High Power [greater than 150 watts], Low Power [150 watts or
less] and QRP [5 watts maximum].
WORK STATIONS: Regardless of mode, work station only once per band per mode
per county.
SCORE CALCULATION: Score= total QSO points X Multipliers.
FREQUENCIES: 160,80,40,20,15,10,6 and 2 meters. No repeater contacts can be
included in score. Suggested operating frequencies: 1815 and 40 kHz up on
CW; 1845, 3855, 7180, 14255, 21355 and 28455 on SSB; 3580+, 7035+, 14070+,
21070+ on PSK; 3585+, 7038+, 14075+, 21075+ on RTTY.
MOBILES: South Dakota Mobile (Rover) stations are considered a new contact
each time they change counties. County line contacts count as multiple
contacts for both stations.
LOGS: All logs must be received by June 1, 2011. Submit cabrillo files via
email to
SDQP at kd0s.com. Include station callsign in the subject line.
Suggested logging programs: GenLog http://mysite.verizon.net/dmascaro1/
N1MM logger: http://n1mm.hamdocs.com/
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