[CQ-Contest] TCG Seeks NAQP Team Operators

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Thu Aug 4 10:43:36 PDT 2011

It's time to register teams for the upcoming NAQP CW contest.
The contest is Saturday August 6, and runs from 1800-0600z, 
with two hours of off time for the single operator. There are 
no geographical restrictions on teams for the NAQP, and the 
TCG welcomes team players from anywhere in North America.

If you would like to join a TCG NAQP CW team, please email K4RO
directly at "k4ro at k4ro.net". Try to let me know by Friday Aug 5, 
The teams will be registered on the morning of the contest. 
The TCG hopes to work many of you on six bands this Saturday.


Kirk K4RO        Tennessee Contest Group - http://k4tcg.org

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