[CQ-Contest] KR2Q - RX1CQ

Bob Naumann W5OV at W5OV.COM
Tue Aug 9 17:53:23 PDT 2011


Once again, you have offered no explanation of WHY your log should not be

You can object all you want, but it would be a whole lot more effective if
you had some reason why your log should not be public. You just having that
as an opinion is not a reason for why.

Tell me why you object? What is private about your contest log data? What
difference does it make if it is public?

Making your log public is a condition of entry. In essence, they're asking
you if it's OK to make your log public, and you're saying no by not
submitting it.

I don't see what the issue is - at all.



-Bob W5OV

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Notarius W3WN [mailto:wn3vaw at verizon.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 6:20 PM
To: w5ov at w5ov.com; cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] KR2Q - RX1CQ

Re:  "I have found in nearly 40 years of playing this game that the top
competitors have always shared their information with each other and
anyone else who asked. No one should object because no one should have
anything to hide."

1.  So if all anyone has to do is ask, WHY are you demanding that my log be
made open to the public WITHOUT ASKING?  

2.  Why do you presume that someone is hiding something because they prefer
not to open their logs to the public, regardless of what their reasons may

I really dislike this assertion that nobody "should" object.  No dissension
at all is permitted?  Really?

When people, even if it is a minority, are being forced to do something and
they are not even allowed to object, we have a real problem.

And don't tell me that we have the option to not send in logs.  I've already
been told by one major contest organizer that since I don't turn in logs to
his contest (because of my objection to open logs, and to my being told that
my only option is to not send them in), I have forfeited my right to comment
on anything involving his contest... including the open logs issue.  So my
options seem to be agree & shut up, or boycott & shut up, but either way, my
concerns are disregarded.  Nice.


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