[CQ-Contest] Upcoming: 57th Worked All Europe DX Contest (WAEDC) CW

Richard Ferch ve3iay at storm.ca
Fri Aug 12 13:25:12 PDT 2011

I am fairly sure it means that it must be possible to make up your
mandatory off time using no more than three time periods. In other words,
you cannot use four 3-hour off periods to make up the 12 hours; you must
have no more than three off periods that among the three of them are long
enough to add up to 12 hours (for example 6, 3 and 3 hours). You can have
as many off periods as you want, but the three longest ones must add up to
12 hours or more. I believe, but am not certain, that if you had only one
off period of more than 12 hours, that would qualify (look at it this way:
three periods of 12 hours, 1 second and 1 second add up to more than 12
hours); ditto for two 6-hour off periods.

Rich VE3KI

> I agree.  I don't really understand what this rule means.

> 73,
> Larry K4AB

>> Off times WAEDC rule: If operation is interrupted for more than 12
hours the
>> three longest off time periods must be a minimum of 12 hours.

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