[CQ-Contest] - I have cheated

Randy Thompson K5ZD k5zd at charter.net
Sat Aug 20 04:41:14 PDT 2011

Great analogy Tod!

To follow it one step more.  The people who wish everyone drove 75 mph are
happy to see the police on the roads and writing speeding tickets.  We all
know that when the police are active and visible, everyone follows the rules
more closely.

The people who like to drive fast would like not to see any police at all.
They know they are breaking the rules and accept it as a risk if they are
caught.  Or they try to deny it to the officer and talk their way out of the

The Contest Committees have many different priorities. The bigger contests
are now starting to get better radar detectors and cameras.  Will the
cheaters feel the risk/reward and change their behavior?

Randy, K5ZD

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:cq-contest-
> bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Tod
> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 6:19 PM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] - I have cheated
> In the United States there are many Interstate highways that have a posted
> Speed limit of 75 miles per hour.
> When one drives at the 75 mile per hour limit on those highways it is not
> uncommon to be passed by many other drivers who are going faster than you
> are driving.
> If we [the American People] wanted to be certain that no one drove faster
> than the posted limit of 75 miles per hour we would need to spend a
> substantial amount of money on 'enforcement' people and processes.
> Probably even more than we spend on the Afghanistan conflict today.
> In a rare bit of reasonable thinking on our part we collectively have
> decided that is not the way we want to spend our tax dollars. As a result
> we must accept that a substantial fraction of the drivers on those
> highways will not be following the 'rules'. If it really bothers us that
> others do not follow the rules we have the option of driving on a
> different road [probably at a lower speed]. But most of us continue to
> drive on the Interstate highways because our personal satisfaction for
> doing so outweighs our dissatisfaction with those who do not choose to
> follow the 'rules'
> Is contesting any different? Would we collectively choose to provide the
> necessary funds to assure enforcement of the 'rules'? Most likely not. We
> are then left with the choice of contesting and accepting that some number
> of others will not be observing the rules or taking a different road.
> This thread always seems to end at the same place. I wonder if other have
> noticed that too?
> Tod, K0TO
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