[CQ-Contest] dit dit dit

Doug Renwick ve5ra at sasktel.net
Fri Dec 2 13:53:32 PST 2011

And what about all the stations that logged the signal report less contact
with me?  Are they going to loose points ... I don't think so.  That rule is
obviously not applied.  So why are so many hell bent to keep sending that
mindless fictitious signal report?  One of the mysteries of life I guess.


>-----Original Message-----

>I wonder if you sent in a log ?
>After all the rules state  a signal report is part of the exchange ...
>Glenn VA3DX
>Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 9:18 AM
>Subject: [CQ-Contest] dit dit dit
>>I was waiting for someone to take this to it's logical conclusion.  But it
>> isn't happening.  Why send the signal report at all?  The logging
>> already default to 59/599.  At the minimal since cut signal numbers are
>> accepted and someone really insists on sending some fictitious signal
>> report
>> then send an E or T only.  I am all in favor of not sending a signal
>> report
>> at all.  I sent no signal report during the CQWWSSB test and no one asked
>> me
>> for a signal report.  Wake up.
>> Doug

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