[CQ-Contest] REMINDER - CCF/OHDXF Cruise 2012 and World Meeting of Contest Clubs

Seppo Sisatto Seppo.Sisatto at uta.fi
Wed Dec 14 09:52:10 PST 2011

Dear Friends,

CCF and OHDXF would like to invite you to participate our
Annual Cruise during the first weekend of February 2012!


'Appreciation of Amateur Radio Contesting' is the theme of
World Meeting of Contest Clubs/Teams (WMCC) on Friday Feb.3rd.
Venue: Viking Line Cruise Ship/Helsinki Harbor.

For more information please follow up our website:

http://www.contestclubfinland.com/CCF/ or just do your

registration: http://www.oh3ap.fi/formccf.html

The agenda of the weekend includes many well known speakers
like K1DG, K9LA, EA7KW, SP5DRH..

Latest program versions of the Cruise and WMCC are below.

If you have questions, proposals, do not hesitate to contact
CCF President Seppo Sisättö OH1VR by e-mail: seppo.sisatto at uta.fi
or by phone +358-50-360 2600.


Seppo Sisättö OH1VR


CCF Cruise - Saturday Feb. 4th program


10.00     Opening Ceremony
           Seppo Sisättö OH1VR, President of  CCF
           Veijo Kontas OH6KN, President of  OHDXF

10.05	  Story of ST0R ? A New DXCC Entity
           By Jose Hierro, EA7KW

10.40     WRTC 2014 Update
           By Doug Grant K1DG

11.15     Coffee Break

11.30     Antennas ? New Aproaches
           By Pekka Ketonen OH1TV

12.10     A European and JA- oriented small, but
           intense, DXpedition to Sint Maarten
           By Richard Gelber K2WR

12.3      Lunch Break

13.30	  Pile Up Contest
           By Mikko Pöyhönen OH4XX

14.00     Solar Topics and High Latitude Propagation Issues
           By Carl Luetzelschwab K9LA

14.45     Coffee Break

15.00     H40KJ ? Small scale big DX?pedition
           By Jacek Kubiak SP5DRH

15.30-    Closing Ceremony
16.00     Including:
           Output of the WMCC
           Winners of the Pile Up Contest


World Meeting of Contest Clubs (WMCC)
      Feb. 3rd, 2012 in Helsinki



11.00    Opening
          By Seppo Sisättö OH1VR, President of CCF

11.10	 Panel: Where we are?
          Participants: TBA + Audience
          Chaired by Jouko Häyrynen OH1RX

12.00    Lesson?s of WRTC?s
          By Doug Grant K1DG

12.30    Lunch Break

13.30	 Contest Ethics/Etiquette
          Speaker TBA

14.00    Cloud Contesting ? a Wild Vision
          Tonno Vahk ES5TV

14.45    Coffee Break

15.00    Openness ? Online Scoring
          How to make contesting more interesting for the audience & Joe,
          the average ham
          Speakers TBA

15.45    New Breed to Contesting
          Open discussion
          Chaired by Jouko Häyrynen OH1RX

16.30    Closing Ceremony
          Thoughts of the Day

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