[CQ-Contest] Congrats to Russian DX Contest cracking downcheating

KU7Y ku7y.cw at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 10:33:32 PST 2011

I understand what you are trying to do and salute you for that.

However, I don't think it's as easy as it might at first seem.  Some things 
have already been mentioned, like location, near field, far field and etc.

You can also throw into the mix things like how well the antenna systems 
were made and maintained.  And etc.

But one thing I might suggest, is to see how the power level is determined. 
The power meters on most 100w rigs are not very close at QRP levels so a 
good, external meter is needed.

And I think that it would also be very interesting to have the same checks 
in place for all categories.  For someone to run more power than they claim 
does not have to be limited to just QRP and LP.  :-)

Seem like a lot of extra work for no real gain.  Without someone being on 
site to witness the "cheating", what can you do?

On the other hand, it would give some interesting data just to see what 
others are using.  It's always interesting to see what the stations that out 
score you had to work with.  In my case, back when I had a good antenna, it 
was always a better operator!  :-(

OK, back in my hole,

Ron, KU7Y
SOWP 5545M
Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
Brenda, AZ (Winter)
Caldwell, ID (Summer)
ku7y at qsl.net

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