[CQ-Contest] UBA DX Contest CW this weekend

Marc - ON7SS - OO9O on7ss.oo9o at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 08:45:13 PST 2011

Hi all contesters,

This weekend you can participate in the CW leg of the UBA DX Contest.

Starts on saturday 26, 13:00 UTC until sunday 27, 13:00 UTC.

Complete rules can be found 

Please take notice of a few changes:

   1. Only electronic logs in a good cabrillo format will be accepted
   2. Deadline is MARCH 13 (2 weeks after the contest). Late logs will
      be treated as checklogs.

WA7BNM was so kind to put a cabrillo webform on his site.

If you are not sure if your cabrillo is ok, or if you logged only a few 
QSO's on paper or in a program not giving you a cabrillo, please use 
this option.

Here is the direct linkhttp://www.b4h.net/cabforms/ubahfcw_cab.php

73 es gl in the contest

Marc, ON7SS -- OO9O


*Amateur Radio Station**
*Marc Domen*
* UBA HF Contest Manager *

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