[CQ-Contest] RDXC updated FAQ - Remote operation

Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 07:43:04 PST 2011


> Serious contesting, in common with other serious
> competitive sporting activities, is not just fun.
> Those who are in it to win take it seriously.

My last comment was not meant to say that contesting should not be taken
seriously for those who really have the ambitions to win. However, open
debate requires a bit of flexibility in admitting that the truth is not
always black and white - and even in some cases not always what I assume is

Your motivation that usage of internet is cheating because the
remotely-operated station relies on a "commecial wired communications
techology" also might be questioned by some even more conservative
sportsmen... Your (I assume at least) "commercially wired power distribution
network" bringing electricity to your station, is also a prerequisite for
your contesting.

One might claim that commercially wired electricity is such an old medium
that we can assume that any contester is using it and in this way, everyone
has the same fundamental conditions for his operation. but someone might
claim that the only honest way is to supply the electricity by generating it
yourself :)

> It's simple.  Without the internet, you could not have
> a single "QSO".  You are 100% dependent on the internet,
>a commercial wired communications technology - how could
> it be anything other than a kind of cheating?

Nevertheless, Remote operation of a station is NEVER as efficient as working
directly with short cables, sitting next to the transceiver, so personally I
do not think that the serious contester see any remote-operated station as a
threat to his own success. At least not if the potential remote station is
located in the in the same DXCC entity as the operator.

73 de Mats

2011/2/26 Paul O'Kane <pokane at ei5di.com>

> On 26/02/2011 03:18, kzerohb at gmail.com wrote:
>  > As long as all his transmitters, receivers, and antenna are inside the
>  > 500-meter circle, why do we care how long his mike cord is?
> Microphone/key and phones are necessary parts of
> station equipment, and they all belong within the
> 500-metre circle.
>  > Remote control is perfectly legal,
> There are other things that are perfectly legal,
> and yet have no place in amateur radio contesting.
>  > and gives no particular advantage
> Of course, remote control gives an advantage.
> If it didn't, no one would consider using it.
>  > In fact we probably could
>  > make a persuasive case that the remote operator is disadvantaged by
>  > "path lag" in the controlpoint-to-station link.
> We're back to the "I'm special" argument - I'm
> making things harder for myself, and therefore
> I deserve concessions in other respects.
>  > If the rules don't prohibit this configuration, your
>  > "kind of cheating" notion has a distinct Luddite ring
>  > to it.
> The RDXC rules appear to prohibit remote control.
> They may be Luddites too :-)
> ______________________________________
> On 26/02/2011 06:18, Mats Strandberg wrote:
>  > The arguments shown in my words actually reflects
>  > what others have said to me when I had my doubts about remote
>  > contesting operation...
> I accept that, and in my reply I have repeated
> the arguments against remote-control in contests.
>  > Remote is not my cup of tea, but I know many persons who do like to
>  > explore this way of operation,
> Experimenting is always to be encouraged, except
> when it conflicts with contest rules.
>  > and as CQWW apparently even agrees for
>  > this type of operation from another country (correct
>  > me if I am wrong),
> I'd be concerned if CQ, or ARRL, accepted entries
> from unlicensed operations.  Any such operation
> which relies on CEPT arrangements alone is, in fact,
> illegal.
>  > Contesting is fun, but not a struggle of life and death, is it?
> Serious contesting, in common with other serious
> competitive sporting activities, is not just fun.
> Those who are in it to win take it seriously.
> 73,
> Paul EI5DI
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> CQ-Contest at contesting.com
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