[CQ-Contest] Icom 756PRO as a CW contest rig

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Sun Jan 2 09:53:29 PST 2011

Well, he asked about the 756Pro.  The ProIII is a considerably better 
rig, and even the ProII is a step up from the original Pro.

I'll say it again ... the 756ProI is a very poor contest rig.

Dave   AB7E

On 1/1/2011 9:04 PM, Rick Lindquist, WW3DE wrote:
> I reviewed the IC-756PROIII for QST more than five years ago, and I own one.
> It's not the greatest radio for really busy bands (I operate primarily CW),
> but it has some features I would hate to part with. Mine has the Inrad
> narrow roofing filter mod installed, and that does offer some improvement,
> but I would not call it dramatic.
> Just for the sake of comparison, the PROIII's two-tone, third-order IMD
> dynamic range on 14 MHz at 5 kHz spacing (the narrowest HQ was testing at
> that time) was 77 dB - Not so hot anymore. The third-order intercept was
> calculated at a rather lame  -17 dBm.
> Far better performers, such as the Elecraft K3, have come down the pike in
> the intervening time. The K3's DR on 14 MHz at 5 KHz spacing was 105 dB (103
> dB at 2 kHz spacing), with a TOI calculated at +28 dBm. That's quite an
> improvement!
> The PROIII has been replaced by the IC-7600 in ICOM's lineup, as you
> probably already knew. I reviewed that model in 2009, and it is a quantum
> leap from the PROIII. The IC-7600's DR at 14 MHz, 5 kHz spacing came in at
> 94 dB, and the TOI was calculated at +10. A substantial improvement over the
> PROIII but not quite a K3. As with the K3, the DR actually dropped slightly
> at the 2 kHz measurement.
> Of course, if you have the bucks, it's hard to beat the FTdx5000 in terms of
> receiver performance.
> The above measurements were done in the ARRL Lab. I've cited the "preamp
> off" measurement. See the respective reviews for more specifics.
> 73, Rick / WW3DE (ex-N1RL)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of John Geiger
> Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 8:47 PM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com; ICOM Reflector; okdxa at mailman.qth.net
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Icom 756PRO as a CW contest rig
> How does the Icom 756PRO do under heavy CW QRM?  Some of the eham.net
> reviews weren't very flattering in terms of CW performance.
> 73s John AA5JG
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