[CQ-Contest] Suggestions for RTTY RU

Bryon PAUL Veal n0ah bryonveal at msn.com
Mon Jan 3 11:47:33 PST 2011


The RTTY and digital crowd who just banter along all day at various 
frequencies below .060 justify dumping their signals in the CW windows as 
progress and as a result of the wonderful FCC band plan that allows for it- 
WHERE IS THE ARRL ON THIS???? - I'm not trying to bash anyone, just being 
honest based upon what hear every single day- The days of a band plan are 
over- the problem is that the ARRL has let it go for too long and the FCC 
could care less looking at their band mode allocation charts.

Is anyone at the ARRL doing anything to create a band plan with the loop 
hole that the charts have created which allows for any digital mode down to 
the basement on all HF bands??

73  N0AH

-----Original Message----- 
From: James Cain
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 11:50 AM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Suggestions for RTTY RU

I have a suggestion for RTTY RU people this weekend: stay above .060 on all 

Respectfully submitted for your consideration.

Jim Cain
At The New (temporary) K1TN Superstation
6 miles east of Mountain, Wisconsin
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