[CQ-Contest] Suggestions for RTTY RU

Bryon PAUL Veal n0ah bryonveal at msn.com
Tue Jan 4 06:57:28 PST 2011

How long has this JA band plan been in place?  Who put it at the top of the 
"DX Alley" on 80M?  Who put it at the edge of "DX Alley" on 40M?  If we 
understood who does this stuff, maybe we can figure out away for a wiser 
band plan world wide.  But if they looked at our band plan the way it is on 
the ARRL 3/26/2007 US Amateur Radio Bands chart, , it seems like we have 
opened up RTTY and digital ourselves from the bottom of the bands upward- 
3.520-3.530MHz? So why are we the ones to complain now after the fact- ??? 
Again, I know the world has different ITU Regions that regulate certain 
amateur modes, etc.....but I can't understand how they can get it so right 
on the higher bands yet screw it up so much on 80M?

73  Paul  N0AH

-----Original Message----- 
From: rin JG1VGX
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 9:32 PM
Cc: CQ-Contest
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Suggestions for RTTY RU

Japanese band plan for RTTY (and psk, jt65 etc):

3520 - 3530
7025 - 7045
14070 - 14112
21070 - 21125
28070 - 28150

Yes, we can go split on the low bands!

73 de rin JG1VGX
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