[CQ-Contest] Revised 2011 NAQP Rules

Joe nss at mwt.net
Tue Jan 4 07:32:04 PST 2011

True I knew a totally deaf operator.  He used two methods to copy code.  
one was a blinking light, it worked he'd say  but he liked a vibrating 
pad better where like a cell phone in buzz mode it vibrated and he just 
touched  his finger to it to copy.  he was pretty good too average 25 
wpm or so.


The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme

On 1/4/2011 6:42 AM, David Robbins wrote:
> inadequate and not politically correct... you need a better definition that accounts for those who are either physically or mentally unable to copy by ear, or by eye, or by typing what they can see or hear.
> Jan 3, 2011 09:06:57 PM, w4pa at yahoo.com wrote:
> W5OV:
>> The focus instead should be "what are the characteristics of an unassisted
>> single op"?
> Ear, not eye.
> Scott
> W4PA
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