[CQ-Contest] [Contest] ACG Remembers WX4TM during NAQP and RU

Robin Gist v31rg at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 5 06:38:08 PST 2011

re: new V31RG QSL cards.  with Mary's help, I've created new V31RG cards with to 
memorialize Tom and my father (N4EKO).  they should be in within the next 7-10 
days.  if you worked me in V31 and want a card be sure to send one to me with an 

Robin K4VU

From: KC4HW <kc4hw at centurytel.net>
To: contest at alabamacontestgroup.org
Cc: fcg at kkn.net; cq-contest at contesting.com; writelog at contesting.com; 
rtty at contesting.com
Sent: Wed, January 5, 2011 7:14:27 AM
Subject: [Contest] ACG Remembers WX4TM during NAQP and RU

On 4 Jan 2011 at 16:50, rob beaudoin wrote:

> Hi All 
> Got a nice idea from Larry K4AB. Seeing as this year's 
> NAQP is in memory of Tom WX4TM, he sugested why not 
> call teams WX4TM Memorial # 1 and WX4TM Memorial # 2. 
> A fine idea it is so I will register those teams friday night. 

This is a wonderful idea Larry/K4AB and thanks Bob/WA1FCN for 
supporting this suggestion.  I am sure that Tom/WX4TM and his entire 
family will be happy.  

Most of the ACGers are planning to use TOM as their name in honor 
of WX4TM during this season's NAQP events.  Lets hope that the 
TOM will be pouring out of ALABAMA this weekend.

I spoke to Mary/WX4MM yesterday and she said that her son 
Thomas/KD4WMA just passed his General Class license.  I am sure 
that Tom is proud.

Mary said that she was going to do NAQP CW as WX4MM and 
Thomas is going to do RTTY RU with his Dad's call WX4TM.

This is wonderful and I am sure that Tom would be proud.  

Remember Tom this weekend with your diddle diddle or dit dit.  

Take care es 73 

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