[CQ-Contest] Revised 2011 NAQP Rules

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Thu Jan 6 09:09:25 PST 2011

Hi Ken,
Why flip a coin?  Do both!
Maybe flip a coin to decide which to start in, but do get some NAQP CW time 
 in before 0600z.  As in any contest, the more the merrier.  NAQP is  big, 
but still small enough that another active station, even part time, is  
still appreciated.
When things get slow on one mode, just go to the other.  And keep in  mind 
you'll have 18 hours of exclusive RTTY time on Sunday.
I hope all those who have been so busy posting away here will take some  
time off to get on the radio. Non-NA stations might get a little break, but  
even they are welcome to work NA (and RTTY) stations this weekend.
73   -   Jim   K8MR
In a message dated 1/6/2011 11:48:41 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
k.alexander at rogers.com writes:

Myself, I flipped a coin and will be in the RTTY Roundup this  
weekend...where the debate rages on the RTTY mailing list whether to include  "de" 
before your call in an exchange.   Geesh!

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