[CQ-Contest] Power levels and TVI

Gary k7zd at qwest.net
Mon Jan 10 14:17:59 PST 2011

Or they're interconnecting stuff with those crummy
"press-on" F-connector cables they are including with
most electronics nowadays.. I cleared up a severe problem
with my next-door neighbor by replacing those with good
quality cables. GL Gary K7ZD

On 1/10/2011 12:39 PM, k2qmf at juno.com wrote:
> John,
> You should not be having any problem with your neighbor that is
> using cable!  I run 1.5KW and my home TV is in the next room.
> It has cable TV and I get no interference!  Do you have cable? And if so,
> do you have any TVI ???
> I would suspect that her TV cable connections are at fault!
> Probably one of the "F" connectors is bad! (No Ground).
> Good Luck.
> 73,

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