[CQ-Contest] Power levels and TVI

J.D. "Dan" Weisenburger kw4t at comcast.net
Mon Jan 10 17:58:22 PST 2011

I once had a similar problem.    After all kinds of checks I was up 
on the tower and saw the old TV antenna (They had put in cable).  The 
old lead-in had been dropped through a hole in the floor under the TV 
and was randomly coiled in the crawl space.  Removal of the old 
antenna and lead-in solved the problem.  At a previous house the 
trouble came from a rusted screen near the TV.

Look for random wires, ungrounded or miswired AC Outlets, and rusty 
bits of metal (Downspouts, screens, etc.)

Good Luck

73 from Lake Moneysgone,   Dan  KW4T

At 06:39 PM 1/10/2011, John Geiger wrote:
>I found out yesterday that I am having some occasional TVI with one of the
>neighbors.  She is really cool about it but I don't know if it is also an
>issue with others in the neighborhood, plus I would like to be courteous
>about my operating as well.  I am using a low pass filter, so I am assuming
>that the TV's front end is getting overloaded at times, as our houses are
>only a few feet apart and they have cable for TV instead of picking it up
>off the air.  I am running 100 watts to a pretty much unity gain antenna.
>What power levels do others find works to reduce TV overloading?  Would
>going to 25 watts make a big difference? Need to drop power further than
>73s John AA5JG
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