[CQ-Contest] XEs in contest
Hector Garcia XE2K
j_hector_garcia at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 14 19:10:42 PST 2011
Hi Contesters
In support to Ramon's information, will like to share the Mexican Ham radio
Law translated to English by George Warren XE1/N9VIU
you ca find here http://www.qsl.net/oh2mcn/xelawen.pdf
Will like to explain that CoFeTel (SCT) use a guide where explain to them how
the permits and others Special event call need to be issued, but that is
internal use and is how they work.
Will like to headlight the following articles :
Art. 3 The rights and obligations germane to the licence are personal and
not transferable.
--- means only the person in the certificate can use it, NO Mexican can
borrow "loan" "Rent" his call to other person or use it like CLUB CALL.-----
Art. 21 Related to reciprocal permits, the one the visitor do not like or like
Now here is the information, there is no more doubts, very clear, more
specific ask us and with pleasure will
provide the info or where you can ask to get a real answer.
As Mexican our law is very old, not friendly and very hard to deal, a lot of
Mexican hams want to make a improvement in our law
not only make changes, we need a better law that allow the ham population in
Mexico to grow, not to die only, we are now much less that 4000 hams
in all Mexico with license, active hams much less.
One of the things we want to change for good is the reciprocal permit, but we
have no support from the visitors and the contest sponsors, they don't care
they operate where they want the contest they like in the way his idea of
correct call they think is correct or the call they like with no permit and
the contest sponsor accept the log and later they are the NEW record from
Mexico, the sponsor do not care for permits.
ARRL and CQ Magazine What is the fear to ask for permits ?
With this support to the Mexicans will be difficult to them deal with CoFeTel
and make it easy to others operate from Mexico LEGALLY.
A lot of contesters think that is not big deal be Legal in Banana Republic,
their log will be fine and maybe WIN a CONTEST!!! and they
continue using his "compadre station and his call to support his club score and
give the mult", nobody will notice.
Sorry but Mexico is not Banana Republic and in my case, the one who operate
with NO permit or PIRATE is the same thing that Cheat, I don't like
The contest sponsor do not like cheaters but support Illegal operations as good
for contest, and also will keep the RECORDS for ever in his web page.(6D2X,
XE2/W5??? etc etc)
After become enemy of a few and hated for others, just my point of view,
because I follow rules even if I don't like at all, just want the others also
follow the rules because is the way to play.
J.Hector Garcia XE2K / AD6D
Mexicali B.C DM22fp
P.O.Box 73
El Centro CA 92244-0073
From: Ramon Santoyo V. <xe1kk at xe1kk.net>
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Sent: Fri, January 14, 2011 8:32:21 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] XEs in contest
Yes, the process to obtain a Mexican reciprocal license is complicated and
expensive. Christian DL6KAC has a page shows how to do it:
But this is the way it is even to obtain an amateur radio license for locals.
IARU R2 has a document on its webpage in which you can compare the types and
cost of licenses and the number of amateurs in the region (including the US) and
you can see how expensive we are and how it affect the number of XEs compared to
others: http://bit.ly/dMgclE
Permits do say that you can't contest or operate islands with it. The origin of
this goes back to the times of XF4L, 6D2X, XA5T and personal visions that
foreigns operations shouldn't be allowed for Revillagigedo, contest or islands.
Many locals, and Cofetel our FCC equivalent, think this is the way it should be
kept but I personally don't.
However contesting and islands operations can be done if 50% XEs - 50% foreigns
participates (XE2S's, 6D2VHF, 4A2X, 6G1KK, XF4DL, and others). For some IOTAs
even 100% foreign operations has been authorized.
So it is possible and I hope we can see more mixed operations so Cofetel can see
we don't "lose our sovereignty" with them. But every time a foreign comes and
operates without a license gives Cofetel a reason to keep their old ideas.
Ramon, XE1KK
On Jan 13, 2011, at 11:29 PM, cq-contest-request at contesting.com wrote:
> Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 14:07:41 -0500 (EST)
> From: aldewey at aol.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] XEs in contest
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Message-ID: <8CD816C496275EC-A80-10E4F at webmail-d022.sysops.aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> A few years ago, I had the opportunity to be in Mexico at the same time IARU
>was going on. I found it was fairly difficult for a U.S. amateur to get a
>temporary license to operate in Mexico. There was a lot of read tape and a
>number of fees, money transfers, etc. I ended up getting the license too late
>to operate when I was there. One thing that the temporary license did specify
>quite clearly, however, was that NO CONTEST OPERATION was allowed.
> Is this still the case with temporary licenses for operation in Mexico or has
>that changed? Do you know the reason for this?
> 73,
> Al, K0AD
> Serious contest operations from the past decades were mostly americans
> ere, legally or some say illegally. You can see some of the actual records and
> D2X is still on top.
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