[CQ-Contest] XEs in contest

Henk Remijn PA5KT pa5kt at remijn.net
Mon Jan 17 01:06:59 PST 2011

Funny statement, looks like the Mexican governement needs some new 
lawyers. :-)

You get a license in which you can operate according to the Mexican 
license rules with exception of:
- participation in Dx contests.
   So you are allowed to make a 2000 qso's in a contest but not allowed 
to send in a log? And participation in domestic contests and NA only is 
allowed? Or is it that any contest which does not have the word DX in 
its name is allowed?
- special contests.  There is nothing special with contesting so this is 
a useless addition.
- special expeditions. For me travelling to XE to operate hamradio would 
be a special expedition. This permit would be useless.

My wife will like the permit, no radio at all during a holiday. Looks 
like Mexico is going to be in our list of allowed holiday locations.

73 Henk PA5KT

Op 17-01-2011 1:20, VR2BrettGraham schreef:
> Based on http://ham-blog.de/wp-content/images/xe1-dl6kac1.jpg it seems
> any visitor to XE with one of these temporary permits couldn't
> legitimately participate in a "Dx contest" under any circumstances - the
> words mean what they say&  none of them say anything other than "no
> contest", full stop.
> Estado de derecho o estado de hombre?  Si es la última, qué lástima.
> Now we can add this one to a list that includes signing call contrary to
> reciprocal agreements, use of reciprocal agreement or other basis to
> operate that isn't applicable to the visitor&  who knows what else that
> is tolerated in radiosport.  Heck, if the operator isn't necessarily
> doing the operating any more, why bother with any of this licensing
> stuff to being with?
> 73, ex-VR2BG/p.
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Henk Remijn PA5KT
email: pa5kt at remijn.net
www: www.pa5kt.com

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