[CQ-Contest] CQ 160 VO1 NF VO2 LB

Andy Blank andyn2nt at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 05:59:45 PST 2011

Hello Frank.

For the purposes of this contest, we consider VO1 and VO2 separate entities.
I understand they are not separate provinces. The ARRL does the same thing
for ARRL DX Contests. Perhaps we should change the wording to
Provinces/Territories to avoid confusion.
For the past 3 years we have had ZERO entries from VO2 in CQ 160 so it was a
moot point.
Our contest scoring software will score all entries properly so nobody needs
to worry.

You can sign NF in your exchange. Any VO2 stations would sign LB.

73 and see you in the contest!

Andy N2NT
Director CQ160 Contest

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 6:55 AM, VO1HP <fdavis at nfld.net> wrote:

> The Rules are not specific with respect to the exchange for VO1 and
> VO2.   The RULES say Canadian Provinces 14
> then proceeds to list the provinces.   VO1  VO2....VO1 and VO2 are ONE
> Province.  Do I understand VO1 & VO2
> are separate "Provinces" for CQ 160 contest purposes.
> VO1 is Newfoundland  send "NF" as the exchange?....VO2 is Labrador send
> "LB" as t he exchange.
> Pls Clarify?
> 73 Frank VO1HP
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