[CQ-Contest] Unofficial WRTC 2014 qualification standings

Marek Garwolinski SQ2GXO sq2gxo at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 00:18:33 PDT 2011

If you are interested in ongoing WRTC 2014 qualifications, please be
invited to visit http://wrtc-rank.com/
This website is keeping qualification standings based on claimed and
final contest scores to help operators seriously interested in
qualifying to WRTC2014 to track their scores and other competitors.

There were recently some changes and improvements on website

1) Added summary Team Leader list
2) WRTC area for all US calls is now determined using FCC data.
    Previous area assignments was corrected (~500 of 5400 calls was
placed in wrong area!)
3) Small changes on 'operator details' page
4) Operator details search now support also searching by contest or
    club callsign. Try search for SN2B to see example.
5) You can view ranking based on only final or both final and claimed
contest scores.

- this is not official ranking, the wrtc-rank.com site is not
affiliated with the WRTC2014 organizing committee
- qualification standings based on final contest scores, prepared by
Dan K1TO from WRTC2014 committee,
  can be found at http://wrtc2014.org/team-selection/qualification-standings/
- there might be some mistakes in points calculation - if you find
anything wrong please report to gxo at wp.pl
- if you are not familiar with WRTC 2014 qualification rules please
check http://wrtc2014.org/team-selection/

Marek SQ2GXO

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