[CQ-Contest] The Spurious Emissions Band on YouTube

Kutzko, Sean, KX9X kx9x at arrl.org
Tue Jun 7 12:17:04 PDT 2011

Hi Folks-

And now for a bit of fun.

The Spurious Emissions Band played at K3LR's Contest Super Suite at
Dayton this year. It was our 2nd year of infamy... um, I mean great
music. Inspired by lyrics written by Andy, N2NT some years ago, we take
well-known songs and change the words to be about contesting and DX'ing.

As we all know, Tim runs an extremely high-quality Super Suite, and yet
for some reason, he still lets us play there! Our sets are frivolous and
low-key, and lots of fun...at least we think so. Thanks for giving us an
outlet for our strange music, Tim.

The band is N0AX, K4RO, W4PA, N5OT, K0BJ and myself.

Yesterday, I received a very nice surprise in the mail: A DVD from Ken,
K6LA. He was attending his very first Dayton this year and happened to
be at our show and recorded the entire event on video. Thanks, Ken!

For those who are morbidly curious, or were there and want to watch this
again, I've uploaded the videos of our set to YouTube. There are 7 in
all. You can find them here:








We'll see you at the Super Suite again in 2012. Enjoy!


Sean Kutzko, KX9X
Contest Branch Manager

ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio(tm)
225 Main St.
Newington, CT  06111
skutzko at arrl.org

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