[CQ-Contest] Portugal Day Contest logs

ct1ilt at sapo.pt ct1ilt at sapo.pt
Mon Jun 13 01:51:24 PDT 2011

Hello everyone,

first I want to thank all for participating in the Portugal Day Contest.

Some people have reported that the email for sending the log sometimes rejects emails. ( rep-concursos at rep.pt  )

If you get this message please re-send your log to: carlosnora.ct1end at gmail.com[1]

I ask everyone to send their logs, the dead line is 1st September and I have been updating a list of received logs so far, please check: 

Thank you all for participating

Filipe Lopes CT1ILT

Citando ct1ilt at sapo.pt: 

> Hi everyone,
> This Saturday (tomorrow) is the Portugal Day Contest, it is a 24 hour contest that starts at 00:00UTC and ends at 23:59UTC.
> Please check the website for more information about rules and scores from last year:
> http://portugaldaycontest.rep.pt[3]
> The Portugal Day Contest is fully supported by N1MM software!
> Cu all in the Contest.
> Filipe Lopes CT1ILT

[1] mailto:carlosnora.ct1end at gmail.com
[2] http://www.rep.pt/portugal_day_contest/rlogs_2011.html
[3] http://portugaldaycontest.rep.pt

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