[CQ-Contest] NSL This week . . special event

Bill Haddon haddon.bill at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 20:01:46 PDT 2011

NS Ladder XI  Thursday -- Week 9 of 10.

This week,. . .a contest within a contest in celebration of K1GU's 50th year
in ham radio . . To enter K1GU's event:
    --- Play NS Ladder by our regular sprint rules.
    --  Immediately after NSL look for K1GU on 3540 and make 1 Q with Ned
for an extra K1GU mult even if you've already worked him on 80m.
    -- Post your NS Ladder score (our scoring rules) to 3830.
    -- Ned will compute your K!GU score; twice the NSL score for 1 QSO , 3x
for 2 Q's etc up to 6x for working him on 20-160 and again on 80 meters a
2nd time..
    NOTE: Don't post the K1GU score to 3830, although it's fine to mention
it in comments.

AND Congrats, Ned!

Details for NS:

 -- Exchange: Ser #, Name, QTH (State , Prov, or NA Country)
 -- Four Bands CW (100 watts)  20, 40, 80 and 160
 -- Time: 0230-0300Z (Fri) Thurs night in NA

 -- Rules: :  http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html
      - Low power, 100 watts max.
      - NA Sprint format, but 1 KHz QSY Rule

      - Work stations once per band.
      - Report scores via http://hornucopia.com/3830score/
      - Mults are per band. Score = Q's * Mults
      - Your top six scores count toward awards of ham-crafted W0YK CA wine.

73  Bill n6zfo

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