[CQ-Contest] Comments on Proposed Changes to ARRL DX

KU7Y ku7y.cw at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 14:33:20 PDT 2011

I think the addition of a "short time" class would both preserve the 48 hour 
chase that so many like, while at the same time giving those who, for 
whatever reason, can not put in that much time a chance to still be 

SO48 and SO24.  (24 is just used as an example).

This might entice those who put in 15 or so hours to try doing a few more to 
be in the run in the 24 hour category.  The few extra hours of operation by 
the casual operators would give everyone more stations to work.

The object should be to get the casual operators to spend more time in the 

OK, back in my hole,

Ron, KU7Y
SOWP 5545M
Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
Brenda, AZ (Winter)
Caldwell, ID (Summer)
ku7y at qsl.net

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