[CQ-Contest] Inverse Distance Based Scoring Proposal

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Sat Jun 25 13:45:46 PDT 2011

You are WAY over reacting to my comment, but I'll try to make this 
simple enough for you to understand.  Checking existing logs for the 
potential effect of changing the rules as dramatically as is being 
discussed here is like analyzing CQ WPX logs to look for regional 
imbalances in CQ WW results.  You might get an answer of sorts but 
you've added so many other variables that the result would have 
questionable validity.

Rant on, Ron.

Dave   AB7E

On 6/25/2011 11:51 AM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
> Oh.  So instead of establishing a relative benchmark so that we can at least
> try to do an apples-to-apples all-else-being-equal comparison, we're just
> going to keep guessing and make assumptions that feel right.
> Sure.  That makes sense.  Why bother with research?
> Obviously, any significant change in the scoring system will cause
> adjustments in strategy.  I thought that was a "given."  And that's not the
> point.
> I THOUGHT that the question is or was:  Will switching to a grid based (ie
> distance based) scoring system significantly alter the scoring, to make the
> competition in different regions more "fair" or "balanced"?
> Right.  Why bother to find out?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of David Gilbert
> Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2011 12:32 PM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Inverse Distance Based Scoring Proposal
> Personally, I don't think that would be a definitive analysis.  I'm
> pretty sure that contest strategies would change dramatically if the
> scoring system changed to a grid based system without country multipliers.
> Dave   AB7E
> On 6/25/2011 6:48 AM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
>> Suggestion:  Will distance-based scoring make a difference and alter the
>> landscape?  There's one way to find out.  It shouldn't be too hard to
> match
>> up calls worked with their Maidenhead grid squares (if not exactly then
>> close enough).  Why not ask some of the top operators to "donate" their
>> logs, then have a computer program run through and re-calculate their
> scores
>> using the grids as multipliers, and see what you come up with?
>> It's one thing to guess that it will make a difference.  This way, you can
>> actually show what the results would have been, all else being equal, if
> you
>> had scored that way.
>> 73, ron w3wn
> _______

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