[CQ-Contest] NCCC SPRINT - ONE HOUR , Thurs., March 3, NO DUPES

Ken Keeler kenkeeler at jazznut.com
Tue Mar 1 00:37:49 PST 2011

Now we're in a long break between ladders.  ( I don't know when the 
next one starts)
So, now we can play with other formats..Let's revisit the  ONE HOUR 
sprint this week.
Slow speed for 20 minutes, then no speed limit for the next 40 min.:
   First 10 min. 20 wpm;  second 10 min. 28 wpm;  then no limit for 
next 40 min.

Thursday, March 3, in NA, March  4, UTC, 0200-0300Z, for ONE HOUR.

We will combine the SNS and NS into one event, going one hour, NO 
DUPES, one continuous log/scoring.
NO DUPES: New for the 60 minute event, but should allow most of us to 
work everyone on all four bands!!
   If called by a slower station, match his speed, anytime in the hour.

NS will be on  20/40/80/160m   (+38 to +45), 1814-18 on 160.
NCCC SPRINT RULES modified to:  60 minutes - see above
100 WATTS max.,  mults count on each band.

The  schedule of Thursday (sometimes Friday also) events is  posted 
on the NEXT NS page at:

General rules and further info at: http://www.ncccsprint.com/
-- Report scores, discuss any contesting issue, near 3610/3615 LSB 
after the practice,  at 0300Z (7 PM PST) on
the weekly NCCC contest net), and send your score directly to the 
3830 reflector.
Thanks to WA7BNM and N7WA for their posting service.

We should do this for a few  weeks, then trying something else when 
DST starts on Mar. 13.  Ideas welcome.


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