[CQ-Contest] RDXC updated FAQ - Remote operation

Tom Frenaye frenaye at hughes.net
Wed Mar 2 05:37:35 PST 2011

At 07:37 AM 3/2/2011, N4ZR wrote:
>This just about *has* to be a translation problem.  I can sympathize 
>with the RDXC organizers taking every step to ban the use of remote 
>receivers (remote from the transmitter).  However, the Russians have 
>always been at the cutting edge so far as contesting technology is 
>concerned, andI cannot imagine that they really intend to ban remote 
>operation where all radio transmitting and receiving is done at a single 
>Where are the organizers?  Time to speak up.

Pete -

Don't assume cq-contest is the center of the universe.  The RDXC guys, as those who run other contests, don't all spend a lot of time monitoring reflectors, even this one.
Questions about contest rules should always be sent directly to contest sponsors.  Their responses might be of enough interest to post here though! 

     -- Tom

e-mail: frenaye at pcnet.com    YCCC  --> http://www.yccc.org/
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444 

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